Press release

Scottish Government considering dropping climate targets is 'a disgrace', warns Christian Aid.

Reacting to today’s expected announcement, Christian Aid Scotland’s advocacy and policy lead, Andrew Tomlinson, said: 

“Just three years after COP26 in Glasgow, when Scotland showed genuine leadership on global climate justice, it’s a disgrace that the Scottish Government would even consider dropping its 2030 targets.  We’re letting down the countries who have contributed the least to the climate crisis but are living through its worst impacts, right now. This is not climate justice, this is not what climate leadership looks like. 

"The Scottish Government declared a climate emergency in 2019.  Floods, heatwaves, droughts and extreme weather events are a stark reminder of this in the countries where we work around the world.  Now more than ever we need urgent action which will deliver the emissions reductions required to stop global warming and accelerate Scotland’s journey towards a just transition."