Press release

Gaza Appeal relaunched to support more people, as the conflict in the Middle East nears the grim milestone of one year.

Generous Christian Aid supporters have already raised more than £2 million to help people trapped by the situation across Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. 

But as the one year anniversary approaches, more is needed, to keep bringing hope and support to the millions of people struggling to survive and praying for peace.

Christian Aid is asking supporters to give, act and pray – with the relaunch of its emergency appeal, an online vigil and monthly prayer meeting.

Christian Aid’s Head of Community and Church Fundraising and Engagement, Pete Moorey, explained: “Our supporters have been amazing as always, raising more than £2.2 million so far which has helped us reach more than 800,000 people in Gaza through our local partners with cash to displaced families; medical support through mobile health clinics; basic needs like food, water, blankets and mattresses and shelter, including setting up an accessible IDP camp for people with disabilities.

“Christian Aid has also been working with an Israeli civil society organisation based in Tel Aviv, supporting them to provide safe spaces to gather following the trauma of October 7 last year.

“But the need is vast and there is more we can do which is why we are relaunching our Gaza Appeal. With the support and prayers of our supporters, Christian Aid can and will reach more people with the assistance they need.”

Head of Middle East Policy & Advocacy at Christian Aid, William Bell, explained while aid is getting to people, a permanent ceasefire is the only way to work towards a sustainable peace and help people rebuild their lives.

He added: “Christian Aid is urging the UK Government to do all it can to advocate for the end of the occupation of Gaza, and the West Bank.

“All world leaders with influence should press for a full and permanent ceasefire to come into effect immediately. It remains the only serious option to avert further loss of civilian life and the deepening of this humanitarian catastrophe.”  

Christian Aid is calling on supporters to give, act and pray in solidarity with their global neighbours.

People can give via the Gaza Appeal where £5 can provide a displaced family with warm blankets and £20 can feed a family for a week by providing a food parcel of essentials such as oil and cheese.

They can act by joining Christian Aid’s online Gathered Vigil at 8am on Monday, October 7 – sign up via the website - and also by contacting their MPs, urging them to take action. The charity has various tips on the calls to action.

And they can pray at the monthly Prayers for Peace in the Middle East. Christians from all over the UK have been taking part in the regular Zoom calls which happen on the 24th of each month. To sign up, please visit: Prayers for Peace in the Middle East - Christian Aid.