Press release

Christian Aid's Israeli human rights partner finds "systemic" abuse and torture of Palestinian detainees 

A shocking new report by the international development agency Christian Aid's long-standing Israeli human rights partner, B’Tselem, describes how since October 7th Israel appears to be pursuing a systemic policy of abusing and torturing Palestinians in its custody.

In “Welcome to Hell”, B’Tselem highlights the testimonies of 55 Palestinians released from Israeli prisons and detention facilities in recent months - almost all without charges from across the occupied Palestinian territory, including some who are citizens of Israel.

Christian Aid's Head of Middle East Policy & Advocacy, William Bell, said: "Some of the accounts from our partner are horrifying and an affront to justice. Palestinians tell of harsh arbitrary violence on a frequent basis, sexual assault, humiliation and degradation. 

"There can be no excuse for being subjected to deliberate starvation, forced lack of hygiene, sleep deprivation and denial of adequate medical care."
B’Tselem Executive Director Yuli Novak said: “Thousands of Palestinians are being held in inhuman conditions and subjected to relentless abuse. Some do not know why they were arrested; many will be released without trial.”


Notes to Editors

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