Press release

Christian Aid welcomes anti-methane alliance at COP26

Responding to the announcement at COP26 in Glasgow of a new alliance to tackle methane emissions, Dr Kat Kramer, Christian Aid's climate policy lead, said:

“Today’s anti-methane pledge by nearly 90 countries will be significant, if achieved, potentially reducing warming by 0.3C by the 2040s.
"Methane is a greenhouse gas strongly associated with the fossil fuel industry, with what are known as ‘fugitive emissions’ evaporating from coal mines, from oil and gas extraction and from pipelines. Methane is but another reason why the fossil fuel industry has to end – and soon.
“For the poorest and most vulnerable people who are already being hit by catastrophic climate impacts, the climate co-benefits of shutting down the fossil fuel industry and gaining the double whammy of reduced methane and carbon dioxide emissions will help to reduce their future suffering, but these polluters also need to pay for the damage they have already wrought.”