New COP26 text historic on coal, severely lacking on developing country needs
The latest version of the COP26 cover text was published overnight at the Glasgow climate summit. This won't be the final version, with new iterations likely following in the coming days. Christian Aid's climate policy lead, Dr Kat Kramer, said:
"This is a historic moment as it’s the first time a COP text outlines the phase out of coal and fossil fuel subsidies. This wasn’t even mentioned in the Paris Agreement. However there’s lots of work that needs to be done on the finance side for poorer countries. There’s very little on how vulnerable nations are to be supported to adapt and cope with the permanent losses and damages caused by climate change. We also need more detail on ramping up emissions reductions. There is a lack of urgency and we need much clearer timetables on cutting greenhouse gasses.
“There’s lots in there that the US and European countries will be happy about but currently the issues that the poor and vulnerable nations have ben calling for are missing. Those areas need to be strengthened if we’re going to get a fair outcome here in Glasgow.”